Step 1:
VLC media player and Click media label on top of the left corner, In media label option click on stream
or use shortcut ctrl + s.
See in image below.
Step 2:
Now, You can see "open media" window appearance and click
add option, for selecting the video file which
you want to stream.
Step 3:
By clicking stream button, You can able to see "Stream output" window appearance, Then click Next button.
Step 4:
After clicking
Next button , next window will appear in that select check box called display locally and select RTP/MPEG
transport stream in drop down list and select your added video file format then
click add button in same window..refer below image
Step 5:
Now in RTP/TP Label enter ip address of the
connected system in Address box and base
port is same as system generated then click NEXT button.
Step 6:
Finally select
SAP announce check box and enter
some text in text box then click Stream
Step 7:
Now got
connected system and open VLC media player and select View label in that select playlist
and select Network stream (SAP) in
Local network option, which is available on left side of slide window.
Now, Enter the SAP name will appear, Right click that and select play option.
Step 8:
Enjoy your
video streaming option in VLC. Now
you can watch video from one computer
video to another computer using VLC through LAN.
Thanks for